Tap Into Your Feminine Power
1. Be the Heroine, Not the Victim of Your Life. In any situation you’re in, focus on where you have power rather than where you don’t.
Power Statement: I’m a powerful creator. I have everything I need to realize the greatest possibility of my life.
2. Live the Truth of Who You Are. Shift who you’re being and how you’re showing up to reflect the truth of who you are and you will be forever liberated from the patterns of the past.
Power Statement: I am a powerful, capable woman and I turn all of my wisdom, compassion and resources towards the parts of me that need to grow up so that I can show up as my most empowered self.
3. Stop Strategizing & Start Listening. Listen to your deepest desires, they are the whisper of life’s wishes for you. Take action on your inner guidance. Trust that life is organizing around your success.
Power Statement: I live each day as though everything is rigged in my favor
4. You Can’t Become Yourself By Yourself. When you’re experiencing a challenge, rather than feeling inadequate, say to yourself “Who can I call to ask for help?”
Power Statement: The more support I receive the more powerful I become.
5. Be the Light & Reflect the Light. The next time you meet a powerful woman rather than being intimidated or feeling competitive, befriend her.
Power Statement: I celebrate the radiance and power within myself and other women. I expand to create the space to welcome my own and others’ greatness.
6. Be Who You Would Be If Your World Changed. Create your future by showing up in the present as the woman you would be in the fulfillment of your desires.
Power Statement: My consciousness, not my circumstances, creates the future of my life.
7. Like if Or Not, You’re the Leader. Rather than be victimized by the disempowered behavior of others, see yourself as the leader in every situation with the power to empower and influence the outcome.
Power Statement: This is my world and I have the power to shape the future.